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Hi everyone! With a lot of conscious thought, I’ve decided to change how services are booked; as well as include gratuity within my prices. I hope this creates more transparency, ease, and enhance your experience at The(hair)Space! I believe in ethical and open pricing throughout all industries; so that you can see what to expect, and budget accordingly. I know it is more prevalent than ever that we talk about the “taboos” in life, and offer clear and honest solutions as we navigate the world of today. With 4 years of business, a new location, inflation, and only one small increase in January 2022; I believe it is the right time to re-work the pricing structure at The(hair)Space. There will continue to be an inclusive distinction of short vs. longer haircuts, but less categories overall; by also creating colour-directed packages or “rituals”. We’ll decide together in person which techniques best fits the hair goal, and if any adjustments have to be made for your hair type (see below). Overall, I want to create an honest ease, come-as-you-are environment, where we work together to decide which ritual is for you; to create your dream hair. All with the same conscious and ethical choices, positive vibes, and professional abilities… I am forever grateful for your continued support and connection at The(hair)Space!

Adjustments & Add-Ons

Each & every ritual is designed just for you

Blowdry Only

- $15 / -$16.95

Roots Add-On * to Foiling Ritual

$75 / $84.75

Toner Add-On
to Haircuts

$55 / $62.15

Fashion Toner Add-On

$65 / $73.45 

Very Fine Hair Adjustment

-$10 / -$11.30 

Extra Thick Hair Adjustment

+$10 / +$11.30 
+ 15 minutes

(please note in booking)

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